大分県立芸術文化短期大学 平成29年度講義概要
授業科目 担当教員名 開講時期 必修・選択 単位 授業形態 学科・学年
卒業研究(アメリカ研究) ジュリー・ヌートバー
Julie Nootbaar
選択必修 4 演習 国際総合学科2年
■ 授業の目的・到達目標

The theme of this seminar is "Diversity", and the purpose is two-fold. First, the students are expected to gain a thorough understanding of contemporary American culture and society, connecting historical events to present day society, with a focus on racial, ethnic, religious, and political diversity. Second, the students will improve their written and verbal English language skills. All coursework will be undertaken in English, and students will learn how to do research, write reports, and make presentations in English on topics of American culture and society. Topics for individual research will be chosen by each student, and the final graduation thesis will be expected to be written in English.

■ 各回の授業内容

Part 1 - Pilgrims & Native Americans / The Birth of American Diversity
Part 2 ? Slavery and the Civil Rights Movement / African Americans in U.S. Society Then & Now
Part 3 ? Immigration Trends and Minority Issues in the U.S. Today
Part 4 ? Religious Diversity in Contemporary American Culture and Society
Part 5 ? Diversity and Issues of Human Rights & Ethics in U.S. Society

■ 準備学習等

■ 成績評価の方法・基準

Students will be evaluated based on individual presentations and research projects.

■ 教科書

To be indicated at the beginning of the course.

■ 参考図書

■ 履修の条件・注意事項

Students are expected to attend regularly and participate actively in class.
Students must bring a dictionary.


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